Glassblowing (NSFW, but who’s working?)

                Glassblowing (NSFW, but who’s working?)

Am I crazy to think of my broken heart… 

My broken soul,

 Like glass, broken five times will heal?

My soul exploded like Mt St Helens.

The pieces turned to molten glass, scattered to the winds, buried.

I’m not trying to be found, but I’d like help.

An adventurous soul willing to help me be reforged anew.

I need a glassmith.

A glassmith interested in my glass.

Someone with a love for me, as hot as a furnace, patient enough to work me through the process. 

I’ve been through the crucible furnace. I am open to molding myself anew. Don’t test my integrity. 

I’m as much glass as the glassmith.

For a relationship is both.

I’ll only be myself, not what you want me to be. 

Just as I want you to be yourself, and not what others think you should be.

I’m… I’m open to your “gloryhole” furnace. (suggestive eyebrow gif)

…LMAO, I can’t believe it’s actually called that!

Believe me, I need to be tempered as much as possible. Got some catching up to do with the other glass.

Please feel free to leer at me suggestively, without malice.

I’ve shattered far too many times from the thermal stress.

Waiting for the right glassmith.

I’ve broken and broken up because…

Right when I heat up for them, they cool off on me, and  I break again.

No more. 

Why doesn’t anyone want to take the time?

I was hooked onto a furnace which was cold to me.

She was warm every so often… but that ain’t enough for love. 

That leads to fragile glass. 

That broken glass leads to broken hearts.

Broken hearts, broken glass , leaves pain. 

I haven’t been formed before by a glassmith, so feel free to use your tools on me.

We’ll find out what I prefer with time, and I’m good with that.

All I want is for someone to choose me, and be patient.

This glass needs some white-hot love so I can feel bright pink hot.

Beneath our sandblasted surface hides delicate emotions and a glass heart.

Men’s feelings are glass too. 

So, if it ain’t too much, I’d like to ask the ladies of the world interested in my glass….

Would you please…

Run me through your furnaces, and:

Blow my glass! 

The end.

Inspired  reading from wikipedia: “Glassblowing involves three furnaces. The first, which contains a crucible of molten glass, is simply referred to as “the furnace”. The second is called the “glory hole”, and is used to reheat a piece in between steps of working with it. The final furnace is called the “lehr” or “annealer”, and is used to slowly cool the glass, over a period of a few hours to a few days, depending on the size of the pieces. This keeps the glass from cracking or shattering due to thermal stress. Historically, all three furnaces were contained in one structure, with a set of progressively cooler chambers for each of the three purposes.”

As I was finishing this post today, I realized that I did not have any relevant pictures of glass, glassmithing, or things to take photos of. So, I worked with what I did have, the roses outside my room which bloom every June. This is the most sexual, or lewd thing I have written so far.

Songs of the week:

Kiss from a rose by Seal

Forget you by Ceelo Green

Somebody to love by Queen

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